Lefty universe - Left-handed products and curiosities
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Basic Information HANDED 1


The writing, though it is made with hands, is regulated by the brain, being able to locate the areas that govern in either hemisphere in which it is divided. Most people write with his right hand, the activity being located in the left cerebral hemisphere, however, there is a percentage of the population-approximately 10% - spontaneously using his left hand to write, are called lefties.
We define as the fellow lefty preferably uses the left side of his body in automatic or precise activities. The child is born southpaw a result of a lateralized brain organization that nothing and nobody can change. Because of that left-handedness can not, nor should remove, must accommodate it, and not fight against it and to help the child adjust to a world made by and for right, considering that the functional predominance from one side of the body is determined, not by education, but by the supremacy of one hemisphere over another.
For Lefty child all are difficulties in both planes: practical and psychological.
Among children with learning difficulties, lefties are, in class and at home, suffer more injustice ... why ?, because no one suspected the cause of the slowness of their mistakes and their difficulty in doing things right . There are partial deficiencies, often invaluable, especially in the knowledge of body schema, creating gaps impede the base and laudable project.
In ignorance of their true origin,
After knowing the universe that will unfold the left-handed child, the question we must ask is: How to deal with lefty child?
Above all we must demystify everything negative that concerning left-handedness, for years and years, we have been passed. A left-handed child is a completely normal child has an evolutionary development according to their age and we should not allow the zurdera be a problem for him ...
