Lefty universe - Left-handed products and curiosities
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Lefties have to adapt to a world designed for right-handers. But not only handle a car gearbox right (the bad hand for them) or having to perform a test on a chair shovel juggling to achieve write without kinking as having stomach cramps ... Being lefty also means dispel a number of myths that have been installed in society since time immemorial and, now, are difficult to break down.
One of the myths that has spread as if it were a scientific truth, is referring to his younger longevity, dating back to the 70s "In that decade a number of studies were conducted in which it found that the older the population, the lower the percentage admitted to being left-handed. the main conclusion was that left-handers arrived with difficulty at advanced ages. However research deeper revealed that longevity is not related at all to the laterality " , it states.
extended (and false) myths there are many. One of them, the peoples of antiquity where the percentage of left-handed population was higher, were more violent. "And there are other negative myths that were diabolical lefties, brought bad luck that left-handed women were witches, or that it was a defect or a disease," he qualifies.
The truth is that the world of lefties remains a mystery to science. And one of the great unknowns is why left-handed people in the world represents only 10%. "There are several theories, some more logical or credible than others. A theory speaks to the lack of a gene that makes them right-handed. Other theories speak of social supremacy that existed during the evolution of the human being by those who used the side right against those who used his left side. Many lefties were persecuted or forced to switch to right-handed ". By the way, there's more left-handed males (13%) than women (9%) but not known for sure why science.
In Japan, for example, it was frowned laterality. Not so in the US, however, where left-handedness was not considered something so horrible. In fact, there is a town called Left Hand (Left Hand) and August 13 is dedicated to celebrate the International Day Lefty. In addition, since 1975 they include the International Organization for left-handed people in Kansas. Well, not to say that the president of this country, Barack Obama, using his left hand since he can remember.
