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Not fight a lefty


What throws you more? Does the left or right ?. Today we talk about the concept. on left and right: the natural preference that people have to use either side of our body.

And why today and not tomorrow? For from exactly four decades the International Left-Handers Day is celebrated, an event set every Aug. 13 that aims to raise awareness about the great difficulties, even today, people have a preference for using the left side of his body face . Many who read these lines probably ye classroom shared with any of them, and have seen the taunts that caused. But over the years we have become much more civilized, a couple of decades lefties had to endure jokes permanent classmates. Of them, said all kinds of barbarity: they are less ready, they have more risk of schizophrenia, living less and even more left-handed than right-handed murderers.
Behind all these barbarities, there are things that left-handers have: the right-handed nonsense monopoly. Scientific studies suggest that charge less, have fewer facilities than the world-and is designed for those going right by montera- and live less (though certainly this is not to blame right-hander monopoly).
Prompted you are: never hit you with a southpaw
Fortunately, there are some superpowers of people who only enjoy those who cope better with the left. His most clear evolutionary advantage is that they are born fighters, especially in the melee. The reason? It is most curious. Explains Rik Smits in his book The Puzzle of Left-handedness, the reason is that righties have fewer opportunities to train against lefties, a magnificent for those who asestan the final blow without the other has had time to blink lagoon.
In addition, it is an advantage enjoyed from primitive tribes. An investigation by the University of Montpellier found that, interestingly, in the ancient most violent societies there was a greater presence of southpaws. Other research has found that besides being more athletic and good at sports like tennis or baseball, have better spatial vision.
This advantage of lefties in a confrontation must be added that they may become completely unpredictable. Several investigations say that not opt ​​for any hemisphere causes priority areas of the cerebral cortex responsible for processing negative emotions present more activity. Consequence? A good dose of anger and hostility. And it is that both mess with lefties would not go free.
For that reason, be careful with people who have very developed left: if you mess with them with malice aforethought could give you a good beating ...
