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5 ventajas de ser zurdo


It estimates that between 10 and 13 por ciento de la población global Zurda. In Singles términos, zurdos FOR PRESENTATION people who are afraid they use natural tendency preferably the left part of your body, hand and / or foot. Due to this distinguishing feature in the largo of history have vivid sujetos countless myths and superstitions.

Registros historical señalan, in times tempranas, as the Stone Age, the tools Were distributed by equal to zurdos and diestros not however, a medida which is fueron sofisticándose, surgío a clear preference by the use of the right side, WHEREOF can deberse, según slogan Miscellaneous Globedia the site, in the worship of the sun.

Así, fueron siendo relegated and discriminated fuertemente, siendo de muchos tipos Victims of abuse. Especially as a result of the Inquisition, during the Middle Ages, where fueron the perfect targets for its attributes and that "singularities" fues visualizadas as satanic. How consecuencia, some hundreds Inocentes, fueron cruel asesinados in the bonfire.

Ya in more civilized times, if no eran perseguidos bien, vivir tuvieron that acostumbrarse in a world designed to diestros. Enfrentando great hindered in the schools, where ignorantly be the ataba the left hand to force them to use the right or if the golpeaba, and the world of work, where is the marginaba in a wide range of trabajos, fear of not being "capacitados."

Afortunadamente, otro Today the scenario is, and to otherwise centrarse in the Possible "desventajas" be zurdos have Salido in light, algunas advantages of Serles. Today, in BioBioChile, We count the tea.
1- Development Mayor ciertas habilidades

Los zurdos Tienen natural tendency to be higher than the diestros habilidades on the following: creatividad- imaginación- pensamiento Holístico- intuición- Arts (habilidades motorboats) - ritmo (golpes) - Expression of non-verbal Expression sentimientos- visualization, luggage portal Medical Especializado daily.

Según Dr. Alan Searleman the University of St. Lawrence of New York, "people zurdas Tienen superior fluidity of intelligence and best vocabulary that the majority of the population. Esto es, quiz, so hay más de ellos in profesiones creative, such as music, art and writing "
Mayor HABILIDADES multitasking 2-

Los zurdos have always thought that tenido porque más rápido continuously enfrentan Challenges diestros. The communication between its two hemisferios brain is much more cost eficiente.

The latter facilitates its HABILIDADES Development Bank varias tareas in vez, siendo capable Process information from multiple flujos sin problem, ensures Lifehacker.
Access for 3- to aprender conducir

The Statistics have shown that 57% of them zurdos Pasanen about conducir exams on the first try, contrasting with 47% of diestros.
4- Son of Interaction best in sports

The mayor of the HABILIDADES zurdos manifested itself in combate y los deportes frente a frente. It is not rare that the proportion of zurdos pit, baseball, football, tennis, basketball ... sea mucho mayor that expected (one in five), mientras otros that sports is the routed in the general populations.

Eso is because, in a world of rights, the surprise attack by the left. Well the slogan the daily La Nación.

Leonel Messi, Rafael Nadal, Diego Maradona, and Oscar de la Hoya, are excellent for ejemplos esto.
5- Pasanen menos tiempo "ranks haciendo"

Yes, but fear that extraño parezca, studios have demonstrated that hacer cuando be trafficking ranks, people tent to desviarse onto your dominant side.

Así, the diestros they were right and the left zurdos. Como resultado, says the English newspaper The Telegraph, the rows on the left are more short breaks. The Traducere that in which the zurdos Pasanen menos tiempo waiting in line.

    Ya lo ves, being left-handed has its advantages and Aún if you do not convince you that hay muchos We count the famous largo de la historia como fueron that it: Aristotle, Newton, Darwin, Einstein and Marie Curie; Bill Gates and four of the five founders of Mac; Caesar, Ramses II, Louis XIV, Alexander the Great, Charlemagne, Joan of Arc, Gandhi, Benjamin Franklin, Churchill, Hitler, Simon Bolivar and Napoleon; Da Vinci, Picasso and Miguel Angel; Marilyn Monroe, Chaplin, Angelina Jolie and Robert De Niro; Mozart, Beethoven, Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, David Bowie and the Beatles Half of them; Miley Cyrus and Lady Gaga; Mark Twain and Lewis Carroll; Pele, Maradona, Messi, Casillas and Nadal; Castro, Chavez, Putin Bin Laden, Obama and Netanyahu; Henry Ford, Forbes, Rockefeller.

    Y hasta hay como las princesas zurdos fictional characters on Disney's Mulan and Tiana; The addition of Bart Simpson.
