Lefty universe - Left-handed products and curiosities
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When, over the years, the left-handed child has been trying to adjust to the quarry usually between 12 and 14 years, a stage of confusion arises that causes some confusion in the child as well as his parents and teachers, given that his Writing fails to overcome the previous scriptural stage.
It is in this case when reeducation becomes more precise, just when the child himself realizes his limitations, is when we should help him to try to overcome them. Here we must get the child to acquire self-confidence, accepting his writing and looking for solutions.
We will propose exercises to achieve comfortable progression in writing, with cursive movements and free writing style watching the correct progression from left to right.
We will look for agility, ovalization, simplifications, especially at the beginning of the word so that there is no drag.
We will use all the means at our disposal that can improve the efficiency of the left-handed child, providing wide places for you to do the exercises: blackboard, continuous paper ..., as well as various writing instruments: brushes, paints, markers of different thickness and ballpoint pen. Pointy feathers will be banished as they prevent movement on paper.
In general, and in all levels of writing, we will try in the left-handed child, as or more than in the right-handed, the adaptation of the method to follow in his scriptural reeducation in each individual case, attending to his difficulties and providing him with techniques for overcoming the problem.
In the writing plane, left-handers suffer a handicap due to the difficult conditions presented in the graphic movement due to the use of the left hand, regardless of the general difficulties. Cursive writing that progresses from left to right, in the horizontal plane is easier for right-handers because it goes in the natural sense of progression of the right hand. This difference in ease essentially refers to the modes of progression, by abduction in the right-handed and by adduction in the left-handed.
The left-handed child covers what he writes as his hand advances. This difficulty provokes in the left-handed a series of compensatory behaviors that are not always adapted to the circumstances, being able to choose, when the paper is straight in front of him, between:
1. Crisp the left shoulder bringing his arm closer.
2. Lean to the right to drag your arm and progress without twitching too much.
3. Stay straight, without twitching, though then "sweep" the line with your hand.
To avoid this last inconvenience, some left-handed people place their hand above the line to release it. The arm and forearm are separated from the trunk with a wide rotating movement.
To address these problems, the following aspects should be addressed:
a) Position of the hand.
b) Paper layout.
c) Progression of the route.
d) Forms of writing.
