Lefty universe - Left-handed products and curiosities
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  • universozurdo.com

    Left-handed, the normality of difference


    On August 13th each year, the International Day of the Lefters is celebrated, a date proposed by the former Left-Handers International of the United States in 1976 and that is maintained so ...
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  • universuzurdo.com



    HOSTILITY AGAINST ZURDOSIn many cultures there has been a certain social hostility against the left-handers, once again oppression against the minorities has been fulfilled:Right-handed ...
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  • universozurdo,com

    Linguistic suggestion


    Linguistic suggestionSome left-handers consider themselves to be prejudiced or discriminated against.Etymology often gives weight to the argument: In many European languages, "right" is ...
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  • Apparent disadvantages of being left-handed


    Apparent disadvantages of being left-handedAmong the possible problems or disadvantages of left-handed children are several problems, documented by the University of Minnesota in small ...
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  • universozurdo,com

    Laterality left, right and crossed


    Laterality left, right and crossedThe point of view: Does a map "upside down" bother us?Today, there is really very little that is known with certainty, and more compared to other fields of ...
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  • preguntas


    Quien utiliza su mano derecha para escribir es porque su hemisferio izquierdo es el que domina, mientras en el zurdo predomina el costado opuesto del cerebro.La diferencia entre diestro y ...
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  • Social challenges


    Social challenges One of the biggest challenges facing left-handers and that has been tried to change in recent years is the lack of adequate tools for their unique form of laterality. In ...
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  • Cultural references


    Cultural references While in European cultures it was considered to be left-handed as a negative attribute and even the word sinister was used to refer in the same way to a left-handed as ...
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  • Right or left handed?


    Right or left handed?Being right-handed or left-handed is the result of the way the brain organizes and distributes its workloads. The most recent explanation of why a left-handed brain ...
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  • universozurdo,com

    Influence in the tráfic


    Influence in el tráficoThe motorized circulación for the izquierda, propia of countries of British tradición, went back to the caballos coches. Como the mayoría ...
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